A few months ago I got on a kick, trying to make my own laundry detergent, stain remover, shower cleaner, etc. Some of the results were good, some were a complete disappointment! This glass cleaner however was the best thing that ever happened to me, well maybe that's a tad bit of an exaggeration, but this stuff is nothing short of perfection! It works way better than the name brand stuff! It gets the gunk off the glass easily and leaves a gleaming, streak free shine! I'll never go back to store bought!

•1 Tbsp Ammonia
•1 Cup Rubbing Alcohol
•1/2 tsp. Dawn Dish Soap
•1 Cup Water
•a few drops blue food coloring (optional, I didn't use any)
Mix all the ingredients together and pour into a clean empty spray bottle. ***be sure the bottle you are using did not contain bleach at one point, mixing ammonia with bleach causes an extremely harmful gas***
Now go enjoy your new, cheaper and better working window cleaner!

Ohhh thanks for this! I'm spring cleaning at the moment and nothing works on the windows! Living on the coast doesn't help but I will definitely give this ago!
My mom and I have been using a similar recipe for years...it is the best!
Oh thank you!!! I would love to hear what were disappointments and what else was fabulous! I recently ran a fundraiser centered around breast cancer and learned a lot....since I have started changing from chemical cleaners to more natural and I'd love to hear some more of your thoughts!
Have you ever tried just white distilled vinegar? It is non-toxic and does such an amazing job! No streaks and leaving everything beautiful and shiny. Having a newborn has got me thinking about all the chemicals in the house so now I use 3 basic cleaning agents vinegar, baking soda and Dr. Bronner's soap.
I use plain old club soda. It works great, is non-toxic, and you don't have to measure out a recipe. It doesn't leave streaks either.
Ooh def. gonna try this! Thanks!
Thanks for the recipe! I love my homemade laundry detergent and fabric softener, but have been less than pleased with the two glass cleaner ones I've tried. Maybe this will motivate me to clean more?!
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